It snowed big time while we were Thanksgiving-ing in utah!

Making Christmas stockings with the girls! I am so proud of them, the stockings turned out sooo cute!

We got to see the Rockettes!

Well the outside is done, but the decorations on the insides still need alot of work! My expensive tree from Ralph Jones blew out about 80% of its lites, and we had to run to the store, twice!, to get a total of 7 new lite strands up on the tree, so maybe we can decorate it tomarrow! The joys of a pre lit tree, fun for the first year, and more lites to out each year after! Thanks giving in Utah was fun, fun but way set me back in Christmasy preparations! But we were so glad to all be together, it doesn't matter where, but the best times are when I am with all my family! That is truly home to me!