Amy and Woody build their first sand castle. Woody kept going and going, adding and improving even after thniks picture, he fortified his moat, and sculpted his castle more.

Heidi had her book and her cell phone on the beach. Her phone was in a plastic baggie that she texted over!~

Doug brings his hammock every year. The funny thing this year, was when he got on, and tipped over backwards, everyone on the beach cracked up!

The babies loved the beach! Brighton really got into it, getting buried in the sand by his dad and woody, and constantly run into the water. His lips would be blue with cold and still he would run into the waves! It took Kakes a couple of days to really enjoy the sand, then she would walk all over, but not in the water!

We all love the beach! We go mostly every summer, and enjoy our time together. It is so relaxing to get away from the pressure. Beach days are the best, even when it is cloudy!
Hmmmm, Who was Heidi texting???? I wonder!
Hahaha love that Kelley!! Great pictures momma WE LOVE THE BEACH
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