Look at this cool car I found at Aunt Michelles. I hope my mom and dad get this for me for my birthday!! My dad loves cars, I bet they will get me one! Gramma says they are coming to get me tomarrow, I am soooo excited!! I am sad for everyone here tho, they will miss me. Heidi didn't get to see me that much, so I made sure to get up early today, so I could help gramma fix her breakfast and lunch, and then ride with Heidi to school, so that she could see me every second she could. I am nice that way. Molly will miss me too, she follows me around now, and even comes in my room to sleep with me, I hear her collar go jingle jingle and then I sit up and tell her how happy I am to see her, but then gramma makes her go out. She even stands still and lets me pull her hair, I mean, pet her. I can even play ball with Molly now. Grampa will miss reading to me and tickling, but I bet gramma will miss me most of all. I have trained her well in how to take care of me, and she will be lonely. She didn't even lose any weight like she wanted, but I could have guessed that, we spend way too much time eating. She needs to just copy me, purse your lips and just say no! We have had a fun time together!