Michelle and Deloy come to visit me! I am not here enough everyone wants to see me!

Cousin Barrett came to play with me! and he brought his family too!

Me and Gramma! We match!

Me and Grampa! This is me in my Sunday outfit! I was really good in church! The very first thing I noticed was that me and Gramma did not smell the same, so I burped on both of us, and then we smelled just right, and exactly the same! I am sure that made Gramma happy. And I was a big helper in Primary, and sang the songs with all the other kids and even took a little nap! That night some cousins came over with their mom and dad and played and that was fun. On Saturday Gramma thought I needed something warmer to sleep in, as I didn't sleep very well. I was missing my parents of course, but Gramma bought me a snuggie snack and I started wearing it over my jammies at nite. I admit I have been sleeping much better, and usually wake up only for my morning bottle. My bedtime routine is Gramma gets me ready, I kiss Grampa and laugh at his funny faces, I kiss Adam, Gramma puts me in my snuggie sack and off to bed I go. I like sleeping time!
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